Anyhow, i would like to really thank those of you who visited this blog since my last entry. I'd never figure that anybody would actually spend time reading this thing once and then come again at later time expecting an update, which never really happen that often. (well i do promote this site a lot, :P LOL)
Some ppl have been inquiring a lot about more of our band's songs, esp after "acquiring" the so called complete studio-quality-recording equipment and all. To be honest, we don't really have too much time for recording too, although we manage to record a few songs so far. But then again, i'll try to share the songs as soon as possible. Really soon. I promise.
Just wanna share 2 snapshots of me at barry island, south wales. It is the only "beach" that i've been to during my whole 3 and a half years in UK. What a loser. Let this be a reminder for me to get out of Sheffield more often. So help me God......Hehe. Enjoy!!!
Barry Island 2002 2003. The first encounter.
Barry Island Revisited 2005. Same ol' spot.
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